Day 5 : Add Audio and Video

Audio Editing

First, we should make an audio, the equipment that I used is my Smartphone. And in my smartphone, there is a software called “Recorder”.  So I used the software to make my audio. Here is step about how I made the audio :

The project can be done by one person ; First, I take my smartphone and find the software called “Recorder”, then I open the software , on the screen, there are 3 buttons—- Start, Save and Record document. Then I pointed the “Start” and I said something to let my smartphone record my voice, and on the screen there is a button called “Suspend”. If you have some problem that you need to suspend the recording, you can point the button, then when you come back , you can continue your recording. Finally ,you point the “Complete” button to finish your recording, and use the “Save” button to save your audio document and change the document’s name.

Here is My audio

Video Creation

I also choose my smartphone as the equipment that help me to make the audio.

And in this project I think that I can use 2 smartphones, one  is  used to shot the audio,  there is a software called “Camera” in our smartphone, and I choose video funcation to make the vedio; the other is used to play the background music, there is a software called”Music” in the smartphone, and I can use it to play the music. Then I  let one smartphone to shot my action and at the same time, let the other phone play a music. Finally, I got a video with background music.

After  I have made the video, the biggest problem that I found is that I don’t know how to add background music to the video, and finally I found my  solution——Use another smartphone to play the background music.

Here is My video

My thougnts

I think that audio and video help me a lot in my  education, for example, I can make the video that record the  whole process of my classroom teaching, then I send it to all my students. For the students who have already listened my lesson in the classroom, it can help them to go over ; and for the students who absent from my lesson, it can help them to make up the missed lesson. And I think  the audio can be used in music lesson ,for example, I can make the audio that record how to sing a song, and send it to my students, they can listen it again and again to help them practice singing this song.
