Day 8:Course reflection

Learning experiences.

Today is the last day that I in this Class-Technology for education.Before I started have the class, I didn’t know what is the technology for education mean, and some of my classmates also did not know, and then, when l finished the first day of the class, I knew that, the class’s aim is to teach us how to use modern technology in our future classroom, to help our future’s work in such a digital age. I know that, as a modern people, almost every work can not leave modern technology, and technology really help our life more and more convenient and effective, but, to be honest, for me, I am really poor at computer, and it certainly make me learn the course difficultly. In this course, I really have learned many useful softwares which can help my future work, and I clearly feeled that I can’t keep up the pace at first, but I know that I must try my best to do these projects well. In this class, some of my classmates are also my teacher, they teach me how to make a video better.Although, may be I still need more time to explore more about this skill, I really thank them. All in all, I really feel my progress at this time.

Three tools I like

I have said that in this courses, I have learned a lot of softwares which will help my future work, and I think classdojo, wenjuanxin, and padlet are the most useful in my future work, and I think I will use them or such these kinds of software in the future, because classdojo is really useful in the class and it is also a very good platform to link teacher, children and parents, in addtion, it is very fun for young children. Wenjuanxin is already a very popular software now, it can be used in many work, especially teacher’s work, as teacher, we need to use it to make quiz, test, survey, and such these thing, and its analysis and statistics is also very detail and authoritative, I think the software will full of teacher’s daily life. Padlet is really a good software for me, as a kindergarten teacher, making poster will full of my life, and with the software, I think my work will become easy.

Three tools I may not use

And on the other hand, I think I will not use Pallerwhere and testmoz, because Wenjuanxin is much more good than these 2 software. I will not use the schoology, because as a kindergarten teacher, I don’t need so many article and resourse to share with my children.

Three things  helped me understand the course content and learn better

I think the wordpress, the wechat, and the ISTE standard helped me understand the course and learn better in my group. In our group, we use wechat to discuss question and learn from each other. The wordpress is the software that we use everyday during these time, we can see teacher’s and all the other classmates’ blog by it, it help me learn more and understand this class more. The ISTE standard is like the center of  the class, all the reasons we learn the course are based on it.

Three things I think that we should improve in our group

First, I think that our group members can be more unite, it can help us improve our work efficiency.

Second, I think our group can be more creative, in these days, we only did things that teacher teach us, but lack our own thoughts.

Third, I think our members can  be full of vigor when doing our group projects, in this way, our projects will be made much more better.

My strong and weak points in this class and my future learning goal

In  this class, I found that I am really poor at computer technology, so I will explore it more ; and I found that my cooperation ability should be improved. And, on the other hand, I think my strong point is that I can do my work attentively and earnestly.

When it go to my feature learning goal, I think I will spend most of time on the early childhood education, at the same time, I will try my best to improve my English; and since I have strong interest in medical science, so I will explore more about it in my spare time. And I think that I will continue try my best to get the master degree of my major.



Day 7: Test and Quiz Creation

Polleverywhere, Wenjuanxing, and Testmoz.

I think that polleverywhere, wenjuanxing, and testmoz are all very well in making Survey, Quiz and Test. But they still have some difference, for example, I think that, the polleverywhere is more good at making background Survey, because it only have some simple Question type; the testmoz is good at making simple tests, it has more complex question type, and it can automaticly give score, and help the test’s maker analysis the examination situation; and the Wenjuanxin is good at make many kinds of Quiz, Tests, Survey, and many other such things, and it will give detailed statistics and analysis about Tests and so on, so in my opinion, Wenjuanxin is the best softwares in such these softwares.


Wenjuanxin has 6 big functions, there are investigation, test, vote,  registration, evaluation, and assessment, you can choose any type which suits you to do your work, and I want to explan more about the test function, in test funtion, it will help you make the test, you can choose every  Question type you want to make the test paper, and if you make a online test, it will automaticly give score to every one who attent the test,  and the Wenjuanxin will help the test’s maker control the test’s time and help to avoid cheat. The other 5 function are also be made such fine,and under every function, there are many other useful little function to help you make your work. The statistics and analysis function is very  comprehensive behind Wenjuanxin’s every big part.

In my future class

As a future teacher , I think these softwares which  help peaple make Survey, tests, and such these things will help me a lot in my future. For example, I can use these software to make a Survey for every children’s parents to know more about every children, it will help me save many time to make the survey, and analysis the survey’s result. And I can also make little Quiz for my children, and the score will be given by the computer, and I can know every children’s learning situation detailly by the software.

ISTE standard

I think today’s project can also be link to the third standard in the ISTE standard——Model digital age work and learning. Because it move our traditional tests, survey, quiz on the web, and it change our traditional artificial analysis and correct to automatic, and the result can be much more detail than people do. It really save people’s work time and improve people’s work efficiency. What a wonderful digital age!

Here is My Rubric

Here is The Math test

Here is My Survey (Wenjuanxin):



Day 6: Digital Story Telling

Teaching and Learning through the Use of Digital Story Telling

Digital Story is based on video and audio, Digital Story telling help teacher explan things which are difficult for students to under ,  helping students learn abstract knowledge in a concrete way.

For example, as a kindergarten teacher, I want to explan some nature knowledge to my students, I tell them that a seed will grow to a big tree, children will feel strange about it , they may ask me how can a seed become a big tree, in this time , it is difficult for me to use the  traditional language to explan the process to my children clearly. So, the digital story telling will help me solve the problem , I can make a video , the concrete image and voice ,dynamic pictures will let children understand the process that how can a seed grow to a big tree.

On the other hand, colourful image, vivid voice and dynamic pictures will attract children to learn the knowledge, and then our class will become actively, my studebts will all like my class, and they will learn more and grasp more from my class.

All in all, digital story telling should be universal in our class, and as a future teacher, we need to practice make audio and video more and more attractive.

Tools for making audio and video

Audio and Video is the key of digital story, and I think that our smartphone is the most convenient tool that help us making audio and video in this age, it can be used very easily, but there is one problem , the Camera and Recorder in our smartphone can not do the post revision when we finish shot and record the video and audio, and to solve the problem, we should with the help of other softerware in our smartphone or computers.

My suggestion in video’s class use

Nowadays, more and more teacher start use video in their class,  and I think that if we really want the video can help both teacher and students make learning a easy and interesting thing, teacher need to make the video more fun and more ciear so that students will like it and understand the knowledge quickly.

ISTE standard connect

The audio and video project can be link to the 3 standard in the ISTE standard——- Model digital age work and learning. Now, we are in digital age, digital technologies full of our life, and we also use it in our work and learning, for teacher, they can make audio and video to help them explan the knowledge more clear; for students, they can understand the difficult and abstract knowledge in an easy and concrete way.

Here is my reflection of the whole course

Day 5 : Add Audio and Video

Audio Editing

First, we should make an audio, the equipment that I used is my Smartphone. And in my smartphone, there is a software called “Recorder”.  So I used the software to make my audio. Here is step about how I made the audio :

The project can be done by one person ; First, I take my smartphone and find the software called “Recorder”, then I open the software , on the screen, there are 3 buttons—- Start, Save and Record document. Then I pointed the “Start” and I said something to let my smartphone record my voice, and on the screen there is a button called “Suspend”. If you have some problem that you need to suspend the recording, you can point the button, then when you come back , you can continue your recording. Finally ,you point the “Complete” button to finish your recording, and use the “Save” button to save your audio document and change the document’s name.

Here is My audio

Video Creation

I also choose my smartphone as the equipment that help me to make the audio.

And in this project I think that I can use 2 smartphones, one  is  used to shot the audio,  there is a software called “Camera” in our smartphone, and I choose video funcation to make the vedio; the other is used to play the background music, there is a software called”Music” in the smartphone, and I can use it to play the music. Then I  let one smartphone to shot my action and at the same time, let the other phone play a music. Finally, I got a video with background music.

After  I have made the video, the biggest problem that I found is that I don’t know how to add background music to the video, and finally I found my  solution——Use another smartphone to play the background music.

Here is My video

My thougnts

I think that audio and video help me a lot in my  education, for example, I can make the video that record the  whole process of my classroom teaching, then I send it to all my students. For the students who have already listened my lesson in the classroom, it can help them to go over ; and for the students who absent from my lesson, it can help them to make up the missed lesson. And I think  the audio can be used in music lesson ,for example, I can make the audio that record how to sing a song, and send it to my students, they can listen it again and again to help them practice singing this song.

Day 4: Course Site Design

Course Site Design

First, we should to know what is a webpage, I think webpage is the element that can make website, they are always be published , and we can add  video, PPT  and such other things in it. While, document page is always for private,and it is always single and independent,  it can only be add some words and picture.

Second, we should to know what is a website, I think a website is be made of many webpages which have the same Topic and objective. We should plan a story board before we start making our website, because it can help we devided all things we want to publish into several part, then our desigder can make the website coherently, and then people who search our website can find the information they want easily.

In today’s project, the most difficult thing I met is to find some children’s painting work from the internet, since our website need many children’s excellent painting work to stick on the padlet, so it really tests my ability to appreciate paintings, and I spent a lot of time to choose the excellent paintings, I choose some paintings that seemed very beautiful, and then I compare these works, choose the best ten works to stick on the padlet.

I think today’s project can be link to the second standard in the ISTE Standards——-Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments.

In digital age, teachers can use the digital tool to share information and ideas to students, parents,  colleagues and friends, and today we learned how to make website, the website is one of this kind of digitai tool we can use to share information and ideas in this digital age.

Here I share Our Website


Day3: Classdojo and Padlet


It is a very convenient  software for teacher to use,  because it can help teacher make a timely  assessment of the students performance. It can also help teacher to attendance statistics, help teacher statistics the overall performance of the class , and the timer can help teacher control tyhe time.

It is a very convenient software for students to use, because it can help students know teachers’ assessment at first time, and the software adopt ways of reduce and add points to inspire students make good performance, and the software’s picture is be made very lovely, so that it is very attractive .

It is also a very convenient software for parents to use, because it help parents know children’s performance at school when they are on work,they can also get message from teacher, they can see the picture about childrens’school life that sent by teacher, and they can communicate with teacher by this softeware easily.

After doing today’s project, I have learned how to use the “Classdojo”, and I think I quickly get it, as a future kindergarten teacher , I really feel the softerware will help me lot in my  future work.

In my future class, I will put the Classdojo’s screen on the big screen in our class ,  than I will use my smartphone to reduce and add points for my students , then they can see their points from the big screen, I think it will inspire them to do things well, and their parents can see the points at first time , then I can use the software to communicate with my students parents, then every weeks, the student who get the highest points, I will give him or her a prize.

I think the project can connect to the first standard of the ISTE standard—–Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.

In this project teacher use technology to facilitate and advance students’ learning performance. For example, if a student do activity very well , I add points to him or her , then her classmates and her parents  and herself can know the praise that I give her at once,and the screen will show the good action , then it will inspire her to do much more better, and also inspire other children to learn from her ; while, if a student do some thing bad ,  I will reduce him or her points ,  and the screen will show his or her mistake ,  to help him or her correct their wrong action, and it avoid the face to face talk to make students and parents feel bad.



The software help us make Show board, we can design the Topic we want, then stick some content on it.

From the project, I get the skill to make the Dushboard, and I can show what I want on it.

And I think it can also help me in my future work—–a kindergarten teacher. For example, I can use it to make the notice board or exhibit board in our classroom, the students and parents can see the massage on the board clearly, and the software will help me make the notice board very beautiful, then our classroom will become very warm.

I think the project can link to the third standard in the ISTE standards—— Model digital age work and learning.

For example,  in tradition age,  if teacher want to show students work or show some notice, they can only make a beautiful board by their own hands, then stick it in the classroom; but now , we are in digital age , teacher can use many kinds of modern tachnology to help their work, and the Padlet is one of them, teacher can make notice board or exhibition board by this software, then teacher can print it and stick it in the classroom or stick it on the school internet, then students and parents can get information and message from it clearly and conveniently. So I really want to say that the digitai age make our life become more and more beautiful.

Day 2: Flipped classroom

Flipped classroom

Flipped classroom is a kind of model of instruction, which based on modern technology.

This education model is very different from the traditional education model. In traditional education ,  teacher is the main role, but in the Flipped classroom model, we let children to be the main role in their study, they can learning by seeing video which teacher made and send to them on their own computer; then teacher can check students by design a little game, so children will not feel afraid for quiz, they can learn knowledge and skill with fun. And, teacher can be a guider who guide students how to learn by themselves. And for me , as a college, I also hope that my teacher can use the Flipped classroom model, I think it is effective for students in any age. In my future, I will become a kindergarten teacher, I will adopt the model, and I believe that children will like it, and using this way, young children will get knowledge much more easier, especially we can make video to let children understand some abstract things easier.

Lesson Plan

Today, we also learn and try to make our own lesson plan with the Flipped classroom model. I think that it is a little difficult to design a game that help children practice their skill and knowledge, it needs teacher have high imagination. And I think we can combine the modern technology to our painting education is a very exciting and interesting thing. After doing this project , I learned that how to use the technology to teach students, and I think use the technology to inspire students learning interest is the most important thing.

Here is our Lesson plan

Electronic Survey

Finally, in today’s class, we also learned to design electronic survey, in this project, I found that the most difficult thing is to design some effective question that can help us know our students background about the subject better. I think the technology which help us to make the survey is very easy to use, with the technology, we don’t need to design the survey’s form and style by  ourselves,  using Word or Flash. So we save a lot of time by using the technology, and it also help us design the survey with clear train of thought. Although, I am not very well in using computer, but I think I am able to use the technology, so I think the technology is very convenient for people to use.

Here is our Survey 1

Here is our Survey 2

Day 1: My first blog

This is my first blog. First, I want to introduce myself to you. My name is Sun Hui and my English name is Haley. My ambition is to be a kindergarten teacher.

Today, I have had one of my major courses——Technology for early childhood education. And today’s class is the first class of this lesson. My yeacher introduce many modern technology which we can use in our future class for young children, l tnink it really can provide convenience for our class, it helps our children understand different kinds of knowledge better, and it can also make children pay more attention to our class. So, I hope that in my future , I will become a good kindergarten teacher who canuse modern technology well to help my children both have fun and get knowledge.

And, I also know that if I want to be a good kindergarten teacher, only know how to use modern technology is not enough. I also should pay more attention in some Art courses, Education theory courses and so on.

Last but not least, I must have my own thinking in early childhood education.

All in all, if I want to be a good kindergarten teacher, I should work harder and harder, so, although today’s lesson let me feel a bit difficult, I will not give up.